Sectional garage doors

Sectional Garage Doors

A wide range of quality sectional garage doors manufactured in the UK

Insulated Sectional Garage Door Supply & Installation in the UK

Here at Birkdale, we design, manufacture and install industry-leading composite sectional garage doors. We use high grade materials and the latest design and production technologies to ensure our sectional garage doors are safe, reliable and durable.

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No Space? No Problem.

The design and operation of our insulated roller doors allow users to extract the full use of the exterior driveway leading to your door. No need to worry about whether you have left enough space to open your door, you can park your vehicle right up to the door as there is no out-swing whatsoever. The roller door will effortlessly roll up, storing in the overhead compartment.

Engineered to Last

At Birkdale we have invested in the very latest technology and manufacturing techniques. This enables us to manufacture insulated roller doors to an exacting high standard and introduce ranges of colours and finishes that are unique in the garage door market. All our doors come with a 15 year guarantee against colour fading and a 7 year motor warranty.