aluminium windows

Aluminium Windows

Generate A Warmer, Less Noisy, And More Secure Home With Safe And Sound Aluminium Windows 

Safe and Sound Aluminium Windows and Frames The Durable, Quiet Choice

Aluminium windows have emerged as a cornerstone, combining both aesthetic appeal and unmatched functionality. Known for their durability and sleek appearance, these windows offer homeowners a variety of options, including aluminium sliding windows, aluminium casement windows, and even triple glazed aluminium windows for enhanced energy efficiency. 

The significance of selecting the right aluminium doors and windows cannot be understated, as they play a pivotal role in both the security and energy efficiency of a home, making Safe and Sound Windows a go-to source for those in the market.

Safe and Sound Windows offers a range of traditional casement windows that are deeply rooted in cultural and historical contexts. These windows reflect the architectural heritage of various communities, often featuring intricate wooden frames with detailed carvings and mullion patterns. Traditional casement windows are associated with specific architectural styles, such as Georgian, Victorian, or Colonial, each having unique window designs that have stood the test of time. 

Features and Benefits of Aluminium Windows

Durability and Strength

Aluminium windows, offered by Safe and Sound Windows, are renowned for their robustness and longevity. This durability stems from aluminium’s inherent strength, which makes it an ideal choice for both residential and commercial settings. Unlike other materials such as PVC-U or timber, aluminium does not warp, rot, or suffer from weather-induced damage, ensuring that the frames remain sturdy and functional for decades.

aluminium windows by safe and Sound

Natural Light Enhancement

One of the standout features of Aluminium windows is their ability to enhance natural light within a space. Safe and Sound Windows designs its frames with minimal bulk, allowing for larger panes of glass that not only offer unobstructed views but also maximize daylight entry. This influx of natural light can transform living spaces, making them appear brighter and more welcoming while also offering potential health benefits such as reduced eye strain and uplifted moods.

Energy Efficiency

Safe and Sound Windows takes pride in the energy efficiency of their aluminium windows. These windows are equipped with features like double or triple glazing and thermal breaks that significantly reduce heat transfer. This not only helps in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature but also contributes to lower energy bills. High energy ratings and the use of low-emissivity glass further enhance their ability to minimize heat loss during winter and heat gain during summer, making them an environmentally friendly choice.

aluminium windows

customization options for aluminium windows

Safe and Sound Windows offers an extensive range of customization options for aluminium windows, allowing homeowners to tailor their windows to fit both their aesthetic preferences and functional needs. Here are some key areas where customization is possible:

  • Color and Finish Choices
  • Glazing Options
  • Hardware Selection

Safe and Sound Windows provides a variety of color and finish options to complement any architectural style or personal taste. Customers can choose from over 200 RAL color paint finishes, ensuring a perfect match for their home’s exterior or interior decor. These options include:

  • Standard colors such as white, graphite black, and anthracite grey.
  • Dual color finishes, allowing different colors on the inside and outside.
  • Special effect finishes like the Sensations metallic effect range or the Alchemy anodized look.
  • Durable polyester powder coat paint that offers a long-lasting, low-maintenance finish.

When selecting glazing for aluminium windows, Safe and Sound Windows provides several choices to enhance both the performance and appearance of the windows:

  • Single, Double, and Triple Glazing: Depending on the desired level of insulation, customers can choose from single, double glazing, or triple glazed windows. Triple glazing offers the highest level of thermal and sound insulation.
  • Specialized Glazing Options: For additional benefits, options like laminated glass for enhanced security and UV protection, or low-E coatings for improved energy efficiency, are available.

Safe and Sound Windows also offers a wide range of hardware options to complement the functionality and style of their aluminium windows. These include:

  • Handles and Locks: Various designs like the Contour Crank Handle, ADA Crank Handle, and the Modern D Pull Handle, all available in compatibility with specific window series such as Series 5000 & Series 6000.
  • Security Features: Enhanced security hardware options like the Roto Locking Handle and the Amesbury Truth Positive Action Lock (PAL), which provide superior protection and ease of use.
  • Aesthetic Additions: Choices like the Stockholm, Tokyo, and Dallas handles for swing doors, and the Ladder Pull handle for pivot doors, allow for further personalization.

Safe and Sound Windows ensures that each component, from the frame colors to the type of glass and hardware, meets the highest standards of quality and aesthetics. This customization not only enhances the visual appeal of the windows but also ensures they meet the specific needs of each homeowner, making each installation unique and perfectly suited to the property.

Contemporary Styled Windows

For those who prefer a modern architectural style, Safe and Sound Windows provides contemporary styled aluminium windows that are characterized by sleek designs and large glass panels. These windows are designed to maximize natural light entry, enhancing the brightness and openness of any space. 

They integrate seamlessly with minimalist, industrial, and high-tech designs, offering architects and designers the flexibility to experiment with innovative shapes and sizes. The slimline frames and absence of intricate mullion details prioritize functionality and aesthetic appeal, making them a popular choice for new constructions and renovations.

Wood-Effect Aluminium Windows

Safe and Sound Windows also offers wood-effect aluminium windows, which combine the durability and strength of aluminium with the traditional appearance of wood. This option is perfect for those who desire the classic look of wood without the maintenance challenges it typically presents. 

Aluminium windows can be powder-coated in various textures to mimic the appearance of wood, providing an authentic feel that complements both modern and traditional properties. This customization capability extends to different styles, such as aluminium sash windows and flush casement windows, which are suitable for replacing old timber windows or enhancing contemporary buildings with a touch of tradition.

Safe and sound window's Aluminium Windows Gallery

Here are some frequently asked questions

Aluminium windows are highly secure due to the material’s inherent strength, making it a popular choice for large commercial projects. The durability of aluminium ensures that window or door frames are unlikely to crack or dislodge when subjected to impact from blunt objects.

Aluminium window frames are superior to steel because they are fully resistant to UV radiation, which allows them to maintain their color without rusting. Additionally, aluminium is immune to corrosion from extreme weather conditions, unlike steel.

The question regarding the exact cost of aluminium windows was not answered. However, it’s generally understood that pricing can vary based on factors such as size, design, and manufacturer.

While uPVC windows may be more affordable initially and offer a long lifespan with high resistance to rot, aluminium windows are often considered a better long-term investment. Aluminium’s robustness and durability can make it more cost-effective over time, despite a higher initial cost.

Unfortunately not. Aluminium windows have evolved over recent years, providing a stylish and sleek designs. If your property is particularly cold or susceptible to harsh weather conditions, then we would recommend installing triple glazing on uPVC windows.

casement windows installations by safe and Sound windows

Casement Windows

Casement window from Safe and Sound Windows are flexible, easy to customize, and provide a perfect look.

Tilt and Turn windows Installation By Safe And Sound Windows

Tilt and Turn Windows

Tilt and turn windows are known for their versatility and ease of use. They can be opened in two ways.

Bay and Bow Windows Installation By Safe and Sound Windows

Bay and bow Windows

Bay windows are a classic architectural feature that adds elegance and charm to any home.